Friday, April 30, 2010

Lots of news!

This past week has been so busy!! Last Thursday night Maddie, Zack and I headed to A'boro for the weekend. Mamaw, Papaw, Aunt Stacy, and Cousin Aaden were already at the house when we got there. The next day the 7 of us went to lunch. Afterwards, Mamaw watched the twins while I went to go help Crystal decorate for a Surprise Birthday party for her Grandma. Daddy (Michael) ended up getting off work early and was able to go into town around 5ish. Saturday we went to go visit Great-Grandpa Graves, Great Aunt Sharon and Great Uncle Jerry. After our visit us ladies and the kids went for a nice walk. Then Michael and I took the kids to Crystal's grandmother's party. The rest of the weekend was relaxing and spending time with family. The twins and I left on Tuesday.

On Wednesday we got a special call from Aunt Amy (Michael's sister). Our nephew Cayden arrived to the world. He came just before noon and was 8lbs. 20 1/2 inches long. He was a big boy for being a week early! I received a picture yesterday, but I didn't want to post it until after Amy had the chance to post them.

Today has been some baby firsts! Both Maddie and Zack are pulling up now! They aren't the best at it yet, but they are constantly trying to pull up on things. One of Maddie's top teeth came in today. Zack's are getting close to breaking through as well.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mini Vacation

So this past weekend Michael and I got away for a mini vacation. I was brave and was able to leave the kiddies with the grandparents. Michael and I had such a great time!! We were in Baltimore and stayed in the inner harbor area. Our favorite discovery was Howl at the Moon piano bar. It was SOOOOO much fun!! We have looked up where there are others and Michael joked saying that our next vacation spots all have to have Howl at the Moon!

We want to say a big thank you to Gram, Great-Aunt Sue and Mamaw for watching the kids while we were away.

On Sunday after church I tried taking a couple of pictures with my camera and my camera stopped working, so I apologize for the bad pics of the twins. I'm going to try and get it fixed ASAP!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

More Easter Pics

Yesterday was such a wonderful day! As promised here are pictures throughout the day. Enjoy!!
A picture of what the Easter Bunny Brought.

Zack playing with his bunny.

Maddie playing with Octopus.

Zack dressed for Easter Service.

Maddie ready for Easter Service.

Later in the day we went and played tennis. But before that we were taking pictures of the attempts of the twins standing up.

Maddie LOVES mommy's sunglasses.
Zack excited to wear a hat like daddy.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! I was hoping to have a bunch of Egg hunt photos, but we all came down with the stomach flu on Friday so we decided to skip the Easter Egg hunt on Saturday to make sure we weren't still contagious. Everyone was feeling better by Saturday, but we wanted to be safe than sorry. The Easter Bunny made a visit to our house last night. He brought the twins stuffed bunnies, bath toys, beach toys, and snack foods. Mommy has to sing at both services today so she didn't have time to post the pictures (they will be up later). We are also planning on having friends over for dinner to celebrate the wonderful holiday. (don't worry, I have sterilized every door handle, light switch, cabinet, etc with bleach.)

Today the twins are 8 months. They enjoy playing with their musical toys and still love Your Baby Can Read. Their favorite food is Baby Mum Mums. If they hear a wrapper they immediately look to see if it is the mum mums.

This coming week is going to be a special week for mommy and daddy. We are going on a mini vacation without the kiddies Thursday through Saturday. Michael has talked, talked, and talked about it since the twins were born, so I finally gave in. Grammy and Aunt Sue have volunteered to come up for Thursday and Mamaw will be here Friday night. This will be a much needed trip for us, but I'm still upset at the thought of leaving them. Not that I'm worried about who is keeping them, it's just that I have spent almost every waking moment (with exception of a few hours here and there) with them and it will be incredibly hard to be away for three days. We are heading to Baltimore. We have already planned on a dinner theater one night and we are wanting to also tour the Orioles stadium. I'm also hoping to maybe run in to Duff (the owner of Charm City Cakes).