Monday, September 28, 2009

SURPRISE it's the 80's

For the past 6 weeks I have been planning a surprise party for Mike's 30th birthday. Our friends in Roanoke Rapids helped share in on the fun. I ended up having a themed party, all 80's. Everyone dressed up in the best 80's garb and at around 7pm Mike came in completely surprised. I had an outfit for him to wear after he came in. To get him out of the house all day on Saturday I had the help of Ed. He talked him into going to play paint ball with the youth. Even though Mike did not really want to go, he went reluctantly. They got back around 4pm, but I told Ed not to let him come to the house until 6:30pm at the earliest. So Ed told him to come watch some football at his house.

Crystal had come up on Wednesday to help start getting things ready and help with the twins. I could NOT have done this without her. Also want to thank Chris and Erica for letting me store food at their house. Also to Jonathan and Amber for babysitting from 3pm-6pm while Crystal and I finished getting things together. Mike was completely surprised. We had a great time!! During the party we pulled out the old school nintendo and we even played the Olympics on the power pad. Happy 30th birthday honey!!

P.S. I actually made the cake with Crystal's help. It is a rubix cube. Enjoy the pics!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Happy 30th Michael

Happy Birthday to the best husband and dad a family could ever ask for. We love you so much!

Love, April, Zack and Maddie

Saturday, September 19, 2009

a GREAT visit!

This week we had a special visit from my grandfather, which is Zack and Maddie's Great-grandpa Graves. He and his fiance, Nettie, swung by on their way to the outer banks on Thursday. I think he had a great time with them. He got a chance to reminisce about his twins (which are my aunt and uncle) Barbara and Barry.

On Wednesday this week I had my doctor's appointment and I took the twins with me. This was the first time I was out on my own with them. It was definitely an experience. My appointment was at 10:30am but I wasn't seen until 11:45am and by then the twins were starving. So I went to Wendy's in Tarboro (Tarboro was where I had my appointment). I ended up running in to a lot of our Tarboro church members who helped me in and out of the restaurant. Once there I sat in a corner to try and feed both of the twins. I would take one out of their carrier/stroller seat and feed them a bottle while the other remained in their seat. EVERYONE came up to see them. I answered the exact same 4 questions over and over again:
1. Yes they are twins
2. Yes I do have my hands full
3. They are 6 weeks old
4. One is a boy and the other is a girl (below is a picture of how i had them dressed, plus they had a blanket on their seat, pink for Maddie and blue for Zack. You would think people would get their gender with this, but I guess not.)

Overall it was a good trip. I am quickly learning how to maneuver two at once. Coming up this next week is Mike's birthday, so I hope to have several pictures with him and the twins.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy Grandparent's Day!!

Happy Grandparent's Day!! Today we had a special visit from Grammy, Pop and Great-Great Aunt Madelin. Aunt Madelin is who we named Maddie after. It was a wonderful visit.
We have smiling babies now. Unfortunately I have not caught them on camera. This will be my next goal. Both are getting VERY strong and holding their heads up for a brief second before falling, but it is very cute. This coming week, mommy has her check up and I can't wait to take Maddie and Zack out to show them off. I know I'm not suppose to officially take them out yet (Dr. B said we should wait until 2 months), but these are the doctors and nurses that helped deliver/take care of them and me so I want them to be able to see the twins. Well...the twins are crying...time for them to eat.

Love to all the Grandparents, but a special shout out to ours:


Pawpaw and Mawmaw (Lee and Cathy)

Pop and Grammy (Greg and Debbie)

Grampy and Grandma (Mike and Pam)


Great-Grandpa Graves, Great-Grandpa and Great-Grandma Sanders, Great-Grandpa and Great-Grandma Nowell.

Friday, September 11, 2009

What's up Doc?

First let me start out by saying my prayers and thoughts are with those family's that lost their loved ones eight years ago today. - Glitter Graphics

Yesterday was the twins' one month checkup. We took them to see Dr. B, where she told us that we have two very healthy babies. She told us that they should gain around 2lbs a month and both Zack and Maddie gained their 2lbs. Last month Zack was 5lbs even and now he is 7lbs 3oz. Maddie was 5lbs 6oz and is now 7lbs 8oz. Both are now 20 inches long. Dr B told us the only thing we need to do now is introduce them to water. She said we should try to get them to drink about an ounce of water everyday. Other than that they are great!!

I meant to post this Wednesday, but wanted to wish my mom a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Her birthday was 9/9. Maddie is wearing a bib that says "Don't make me call Grandma", and Zack is wearing a bib that says "Grandma never says no!"

Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day!

Saturday I tried my best to take pictures of the twins that looked like professionals. Well I actually got a couple of Maddie, but Zack just wouldn't cooperate. So when mom got here she suggested we drive down to Sears and get them done by a pro. So...Mom, Stacy, Aaden, Zack, Maddie and I all loaded up in my car (yes we fit all 3 carseats in my car and Stacy rode in the very back of the Kia) and we headed to Rocky Mount. Our appointment was at 3:30pm. After we started both Zack and Maddie were fussy. Zack kept crying and then we had diaper changes... one would cooperate... So, after 3 hours of shooting (we were told by the photographer that they would never take this much time regularly, but they were just being nice to us) we were finally done. I was thinking the whole time that I wasn't happy with what they were shooting, but in the end the pics turned out WAY better than I thought. So we paid for them then tried to get back to RR. Well poor Aaden hadn't eaten since before we left so he was SCREAMING all the way home, until eventually he woke up Maddie and then they had a screaming match. It was quite an experience.

Sunday we celebrated mom's birthday with giving her a Brag Bag with the grandbaby's names on it and having an ice cream cake. We also had Claire and Gregory over to meet the twins.

Our biggest accomplishment last night was we are now graduated to their room and in a crib. I think it was harder for mommy than them. It was very successful!! Today we are expecting Auntie Crystal and a very relaxing Labor Day.

Happy Labor Day everyone!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

1 Month Old

Madelin and Zachary are now one month old. I can't believe a month has already passed. Wow, does time fly?!?! They now are awake a lot more and play in their bouncers and swings. This week mommy will be introducing "tummy time" and trying to go for more walks since they are now going 4 hours between feedings.

We had a wonderful week this past week. Thanks to Pam for coming and helping Sunday through Wednesday. Wednesday, the Troutman's came to watch our kids plus their kids to give us date night. Then Friday night Ed and Sarah volunteered to take the night duty so both Michael and I could get a good night's rest. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends to help out!

Today I'm hoping to try and take some "portrait" pictures myself and be able to send to the grandparents and aunts. I hope to post some later today or tomorrow. Make sure you check back later!