Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tickle, Tickle, Tickle...
Poor Trapper
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Watching Elmo
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Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Starting Fresh
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Monday, March 28, 2011
Graham Cracker Weekend
This past weekend we had a special visit from our friends in Georgia, The Grahams. Chris, Mandy, and Camryn came up on Friday evening. We played and had a great time! On Saturday Mike and Chris went out to NASCAR places (i.e. museums, shops, etc.), while the kids), Mandy and I went to Concord Mills Mall. (Side not...Shopping with kids = not really shopping.) We had a nice lunch and then Camryn and Mandy took a ride on the carousel. If you look closely you can see them in the picture below.
Saturday evening we grilled out steaks for the adults and burgers for the kids. Then it was time to have some fun!
The kids all climbed into our containers that had all the toys, so funny!
Eventually Sunday came and we had to say goodbye to the Grahams. We had so much fun and we are so happy they came up for a visit. I think my favorite thing was when you ask Camryn her full name she will tell you "Camryn Grace Graham Cracker". So cute! Thank you for coming up! Next time it is us heading down to GA!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerryTuesday, March 22, 2011
Allergy vs. Asthma
The doctor came back in and talked a little longer. He said a few years ago they would have called what Zack has "Reactive Airway Disease". Which means that his lungs have a hard time circulating air when he has colds, runny nose, ear infections, etc. Now they just group RAD with asthma because it can be just as dangerous. They didn't officially do an asthma test because he is too young. An asthma test consists of blowing in a tube for several minutes, which is why they usually wait until they are 6 or 7 before doing the official test. Due to Zack's past though he officially declared that Zack has asthma. He gave me some meds if he starts a runny nose or cold to help clear out his passage ways to ward off attacks. I also need to continue daily treatments. It is scary, but now we officially know what he has in cases of emergencies. We won't have a blank stare when someone asks us if he has allergies or asthma.
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Monday, March 21, 2011
Love some Tennis

Sunday, March 20, 2011
Spring is here!

Then after lunch we went back to the house so we could get the kids down for a nap. Meanwhile mommy worked on some projects for an upcoming baby shower while daddy and Mamaw cleaned out the garage. Why did I not get a before and after photo? It was an amazing transformation. You couldn't walk out there before and now there is a huge space. Enough for two cars! AMAZING!! After the kids naps they woke up and discovered a new toy. They now have a cute sandbox. At first they were hesitant, but then they couldn't stop playing with it. Eventually picking up sand in their shovels/buckets and throwing it in the air. There are proofs in the pictures below.

After dinner the kids were extremely hyper and ended up crawling into a clothes basket while mom and I were doing shower things. They are just so silly!!

All in all it was a beautiful day! The kids also were able to get out their motorized cars they received for Christmas and ride them. I didn't get pictures because at the time our grass was too tall for them to push a button and go. I had to push them around instead. Daddy actually mowed the grass today. Hopefully tomorrow in the 70+ weather we can go outside and try again. We LOVE spring!!
Friday, March 18, 2011
NCAA in Charlotte
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Thursday, March 17, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Sunday's Park Visit
After the kiddos' naps on Sunday we took them to a nearby park. They loved it! It was a really nice park. We are looking forward to more beautiful weather so we can get out more.
Do have a funny story about Zack. He likes older women! There was a 6 or 7 year old girl that he just kept flirting with. He would wave to her and follow her around non-stop! So funny!
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Saturday, March 12, 2011
Grampy & Grandma visit
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Go Tarheels!
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Blowing Bubbles
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Gastro Visit
Maddie weighed in at 20 pounds, which is 3 more pounds from 4 weeks ago. We talked to Dr. Rhue about her not eating. She thinks Maddie has acid reflux and that is why she doesn't like to eat. So we are going to give meds a try for a few weeks and see if that works. If not I will be meeting with a nutritionalist about what foods to feed her. We are hoping the meds to be an easy fix.
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Where was my camera?
The first was a Zack story. Unfortunately, my phone was upstairs. We watched an episode of Ellen this morning. If you have never seen her show she does a quick monologue before dancing with the audience. Today Zack got up and started dancing along with the TV. Eventually he started turning around in circles. He turned and turned and turned until...he fell. It was so funny. He then tried to get up and fell again. (He was fine just dizzy). He continued to try and get up four or five times and each time he fell quickly. I couldn't help but laugh. It was so cute!
Our Maddie story happened tonight when we were getting the kids ready for bed. When the kids were first born they received a UNC book. While I was giving Zack his breathing treatment, Mike was reading the book with Maddie. All on her own she raised her arm, balled her hand into a fist and yelled "go Tarheels!". It was so cute. Again, my phone wasn't around. We got her to do it again so we knew it wasn't a fluke. Again, so cute!
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Monday, March 7, 2011
Zack Update
I then asked if we can go ahead and finally get Zack tested. She agreed we should. I told her that I called BCBS, our insurance, the day before and they told me they covered 100% testing. She stepped out and came back in and told me that they will only pay for one test, but Zack needs two. I would have to pay for the second test out of pocket which would be $600 for one test. So she suggested we see a specialist and from there I wouldn't have to pay for the tests. I left there pretty upset with the whole process. I was seconds from crying due to being so angry, but hopefully we can finally get this stuff done and figure out what is wrong.
Zack's appointment is scheduled for March 22nd, which was the first available. I'll update more when I can.
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Go Heels!
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Saturday, March 5, 2011
Gearing up for the game.
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Thursday, March 3, 2011
Rough day
He prescribed some meds for his ears, an oral steroid for his lungs, and Claritin for allergies (he thinks it is allergies due to his eyes being extremely puffy.
Once I got home I called our normal doc and scheduled an appointment tomorrow. I also talked to BCBS and they told me they cover testing so tomorrow I will be demanding them to schedule the allergy/asthma tests.
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