Saturday, April 30, 2011
Happy Birthday Cayden
Saturday Mike and I got out twice. The first time we left to go to J-ville Commons to get our running in. We have officially completed week 5 of the couch potato to 5K today. Only 3 more left and we will be running 3 miles. Woohoo!! After we came back to shower and get ready we headed back out for a lunch date. Thank you Grammy and Great Aunt Sue for watching the kids while we got out!!
We actually head home tomorrow, but have had a great weekend. Pictures to come!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
How 'bout that?
By the way...Zack is doing so much better. He isn't quite 100%, but I think a couple more breathing treatments will do the trick.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Sick Zack
We have been given medicine for his ear and I am having to give him breathing treatments every few hours. Due to his RAD, reactive airway disease, he is having a hard time breathing. We are hoping he is better in 2 days because we are suppose to be heading to J-ville for Cayden's first birthday party. I did notice today that he has gunk coming out of his right ear. So I have placed a call into the Ears, Nose & Throat doc. However, he is out on vacation this week. The earliest I could get Zack in is next Friday.
So say a little prayer for him. Poor guy can't seem to sleep longer than a an hour or two at a time due to his breathing. He is just exhausted. I'm going to try and get the ear drops for him this afternoon and see if that will help as well.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Easter Sunday
After breakfast we all got dressed and headed to church. We tried out the same church but this time we went to Sunday School. We really enjoyed the Sunday School class. Hope everyone enjoyed their Easter Sunday!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Play Date
Yesterday after the MOPS meeting we hung around, had a picnic and then played on the playground with the other kids and moms. Zack is getting so brave. He is starting to climb up about everything and didn't want me near him. He is all boy!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Palm Sunday/Easter Egg Hunt
Today we got all dressed up for Palm Sunday. It was the hardest thing to get them to sit still so I could get pictures of them. My camera is still broke (flash doesn't work, so if they move inside it is blurry), so the pictures are a little blurry.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Sandbox Park
The first happened about a week ago. Zack was trying to get off out little toddler teeter totter and he fell (it didn't hurt him). Maddie looked at him and said "You okay?". It melted my heart.
Two days ago I was in the kitchen waiting on toast in the toaster oven. I had one arm on the island and leaning over with my legs crossed one in front of the other. Then Zack came over and put the arm on the island and tried his little best to stand just like mommy. So sweet!
Today's story happened this morning. Maddie came up to Zack and she handed him his milk. When she handed it over she looked at him and said "Say thank you!". All I could do was chuckle.
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Thursday, April 14, 2011
Maddie's Dr. Appointments
During the appointment I had a time with both of them. They wanted to run around and get up and down from chairs that were in the room. When it came time to do the physical I put Zack in the double stroller and immediately he started screaming bloody murder. I have never seen/heard Zack scream this badly. A nurse came in and offered to take Zack out of the room and play with him while she checked Maddie out. 5 minutes later I could still hear Zack screaming down the hall. It was quite embarrassing.
After this appointment we went back into the waiting room to eat lunch and wait for the appointment with the nutritionist. There is a funny/disgusting story that I will share at the end of the blog so those with weak stomachs don't have to read it. The nutritionist went over what we feed Maddie and we decided to change a few things around as far as when they drink their milks. We also are to cut out all juice and only give them water, milk, or pediasure. Actually she gave me prescription for a type of pediasure that has even more calories. I was told that Maddie should have 950 calories a day to gain weight and catch up to where she should be based on her height.
Now on to the story about what happened during our wait. I had packed a lunch because I knew it was going to be a long day at the doctor's office. The office was located at the Children's hospital so their waiting room was designed for kids. I sat them at a little kids table in front of the TV which was playing Disney Jr. (Mickey Mouse at the time). For lunch I had packed grilled cheese sandwiches, apple slices, orange slices, and carrots. I was enjoying spending time with the kids. Since all the doctors break for lunch their was no one in the waiting room except us three. I was watching the tv with the kids and I looked up and I noticed Zack trying to stuff almost the entire apple in his mouth, when of course he got choked and started throwing up. I had to pick him up and my thought was "oh no, I'm going to have to clean this up...Oh no!" So I immediately decided to try and get Zack to throw up in our cooler. This was a holding Zack upside down and him vomiting into my cooler. Luckily he didn't get the mess anywhere except the cooler which had my lunch still in it. (I told you it was disgusting.) As soon as he was done he looked at me and asked for what else?!? More apple. I think this is now one of the top three disgusting moments of my motherhood. It comes in right after #2) poop up the nose and #1) disgusting story of all time...letting Maddie nap in just a diaper fiasco.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
MOPS Easter Celebration
After craft time the committee hid eggs for all the kids. This was quite funny. Maddie and Zack cared nothing about finding eggs. They had rather played on all the fun playground stuff. I did get them each to pick up one egg.

I'm starting to meet some great moms in MOPS. There were two today that also had multiples. It is comforting to have others around you. I really enjoy this group and I look forward to more events with them.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Our little ballerina
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