Ten days ago Zack started breaking out in a mysterious rash on his face. It will come and then go. It seems when he goes outside it is much worse! Today we went to see an allergist. It didn't go as well as I had hoped. The allergist refused to test for pollens, stating that there isn't pollen out right now, which i don't agree. He wasnt going to test any outdoor allergies, but I protested. So he then agreed to test for outdoor molds. He ended up testing positive for one of the 12 outdoor molds, but because Zack came down with a cold today he was convinced that the outbreaks were viral even though he's been having them well before the cold came. I was completely frustrated! The doctor told me I can give Zack Claritin if I want during the day and then Benadryl at night. If the rash lasts for 6 weeks then I was told to call back and schedule another appointment. I really don't believe this is viral, so I might be calling a new specialist!!!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Gym Time
We had a play date on Monday with MOPS. We had it at a gymnastics gym and the kids really enjoyed getting some energy out!
Cousin Weekend
This past weekend we had so much fun with our cousins Callie and Cayden! We left early Friday due to the icy weather we were getting. So we ended up getting there around 2pm. The kids loved playing together! Friday night aunt Amy put in a movie for movie night. What was the movie?!? It was The Little Mermaid, which was the first time Maddie and Zack got to watch it, but Maddie has been singing the music for months now. They loved it! On Saturday we played all day, so much fun. Thank you so much Aunt Amy and Uncle Michael for having us! We had a blast!!
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Birthday Shout
23 years ago today I woke up an only child, but that night I received a call to inform me that I now had a baby sister. She went from being a cute little baby, to annoying sister that followed me everywhere, then became an informant for mom and dad. Now I gladly call her one of my best friends and a person I look up to and seek advice from. Happy birthday Stacy!!!! I love you!!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Like Father Like Son
On our way home daddy fell asleep and so did Zack. It was so cute that they looked exactly alike that I had to steal a shot of it, enjoy!!!
Roommate baby shower
On Sunday we traveled to Cary to honor one of my former roommates with a baby shower. She traveled all the way from Asheville. Her due date was February 22, so we wanted to make sure she had the shower before she was cut off from traveling. The kids came with us and were on their best behavior!!! We had so much fun! By the way, it was a GOOD thing we honored her, because Lindsay had her daughter Morgan at 12 AM this morning, 4 weeks early. She made it back to Asheville just in time. Congratulations Lindsay and Charles!!!
Chapel Hill Visit
On Sunday we headed to Cary for a baby shower, but since we were a little early we decided to share Chapel Hill with the kids. They had fun running around the Dean Dome! Can't wait to have more of these experiences with them!!!
Big Boy and Girl Beds
Saturday we got a visit from Mamaw and Papaw, who was gracious to bring us the kids' big beds. They helped us tear down the toddler beds and put everything together. After the hard work we then celebrated by going out to eat at Hickory Tavern. Thank you Mamaw and Papaw for coming to see us and helping us with the beds!! By the way...the kids have not gotten up in the middle of the night (knock on wood) since they got them! Also, ignore the lack of bed skirts and comforters, I am working on that!
Pajama Day
Thursday was pajama day at school. The kids came in in their pjs and slippers, then ate breakfast. I was told they had lots of pancakes and then didn't eat any lunch at lunch bunch. I think they enjoyed it!
Grampy Visit
Sorry for the delay of posts this past week. I have been under the weather, battling a cold and just not up to do anything. However, I'm on the tail end of it (not 100%), so I'm hoping to be better soon!! Anyway two Sunday's ago, on the 13th after church we met Grampy in Statesville for lunch. We had Mexican cuisine, which is one of our favorites! We loved that we got to see you Grampy, even if it was just for a short visit! Love you!!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Ready to Pop
Sunday I was asked to decorate for a baby shower for not one, but two sweet, beautiful, pregnant couples in our Sunday School class. Since one baby was a boy and the other a surprise I decided to do a "Ready to Pop" theme. Had a blast!
Birthday party fun
Saturday we were invited to a 4th birthday party for a fellow church friend. He had it a gymnastics place and the kids had a blast! They had a long jumping trampoline that where at the end they could jump in a pit of foam blocks. Then they had a couple of bounce houses, slides and obstacles the kids loved!! After the playtime was over every kid was red faced from being so worn out!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Enjoying the High Life
A couple of Saturdays ago (sorry I'm behind) Mike brought me along to a basketball game. This was not just any basketball game it was my first Bobcats game and we got to enjoy it in BB&T's sweet. I hadn't experienced that before. I really got spoiled!! Unfortunately, the Bobcats lost, but they had a last second shot to win the game, so it was exciting! Some fun times!!! Thanks to Grammy and Aunt Sue for watching the kids!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Birthday Shout
Happy Birthday Aunt Amy! We love you!!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
New Year's Party
On New Year's Eve Mamaw and Papaw graciously agreed to watch the kids
for us. So we went over to Crystal and Dean's house where we played
games until the ball dropped. We played some Wii games, Rock Band on
the Xbox, and some classic board games. Here is a picture that Dean
snapped while we were rocking out.

Grammy & Pop Christmas
Friday afternoon we were off to Jacksonville to see Grammy & Pop. We ate dinner, opened gifts, and played hard. We also got to see Aunt Sue too! Saturday we had a birthday party for baby Jesus. Aunt Amy had made a birthday cake and all the kids got to blow out a candle each. Later that day we the kids then made Christmas trees out of ice cream cones and green icing. I think they liked eating the ornaments more than they liked putting them on the tree, lol! Sunday we were off to Raleigh to see Aunt April, Uncle Jimmy, Peyton and Canady. It was Canady's 1st birthday party! Aunt Amy got pictures with her camera (my card was full by then) so I don't have those, but I will try and put one up later. I do have some from Grammy & Pop's house. Enjoy!
Grampy & Grandma Christmas
Later on the 26th (after the Graves Christmas) we loaded up the car again and headed to Castle Hayne to see Grampy & Grandma. On our way there, about an hour out we actually were passed by Aunt Amy and Uncle Michael, who we followed the way in. Once we got there we again ate, opened more presents and had family fellowship! Thursday we went to visit Great Grampy down in Wilmington. It was great to get to see him! Then we had lunch out before we headed back for some more fun. Grampy and Grandma made a traditional feast that night (it is a wonder I didn't gain more than 5lbs in this week...I thought I would have gained 20). Friday we had a visit from Aunt Ronda, Uncle Mitchel and Leah before we had to head out. We haven't seen them in a few years, but so glad we got to catch up!!
Princess Callie, Princess Alli (a neighbor) and Princess Maddie |
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