Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Back home...

After my post last night I was given more fluids than I thought anyone could possibly put in their body. So much that I had to pee every 30-45 minutes. I did manage to go from 2:45am-3:45am without going to the bathroom and was able to sleep an hour. Poor Michael had to get up every time I did b/c I had to unplug the monitors, unplug my IV from the outlet and then roll everything into the bathroom with me. At 4am I called a nurse in b/c I became SOOOO swollen. My feet, hands, knees, face were all completely swollen. She said that was normal with the amount of fluids they were putting in me. I honestly felt like I had just had lip and cheek injections like I was Lisa Renna or Goldie Hawn. I'm still pretty swollen. Around 7:30am my regular doctor came in (last night was not my regular) and performed another ultrasound. To be honest it looked the exact same as yesterday. The only difference was this doctor decided to measure the fluid and it was perfectly fine. I was immediately discharged and we are now home trying to get at least a little bit of sleep. We are so exhausted. I have a regular Dr. Appt. on Tuesday and another ultrasound scheduled so we will see then if everything still looks good. I'm mostly happy b/c I was only 35 weeks and I know they need to bake a little longer, but I'm also a little disappointed b/c I was so ready to meet them and hold them. Thank you everyone for all the prayers. We will find out more info Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. So Zack is a prankster!!! Can't wait to hold him and Maddie. Get your rest and Sue and I'll will help you out next week. Just relax. Everyone is anxiously waiting to hear of the arrival of the twins. Love you both.
