Saturday, October 23, 2010


Today Mike and I ran an organized 5K event. My official first organized run. We ran the Camp Willow Run 5K. My biggest complaint??? HILLS!!!! This was my 4th 5K run in two weeks, but the previous ones were on a nice flat track. I really struggled on the hills today, but we had three goals today. 1.) Finish 2.) Do not walk 3.) Finish under 40 min. And we completed all of these goals. I was super happy about it. I'm actually planning on running in another 5K on the 20th in Wake Forrest. I think for the upcoming race I'm going to try and start practicing on hills. Thanks honey for running with me today and cheering me on, LOVE YOU!!!!


  1. Wow -awesome - congrats. I'm surprised you got Michael to do it with you! That'll be an awesome thing to keep doing as a couple and what an amazing feeling to accomplish your goals.

  2. Congrats- good for you both!! did the twins go along>> Proud of both of you
