Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tickle, Tickle, Tickle...

Today the cutest thing happened. I soooo wish I had it on film, but it still is a great story. I will tickle the kids a LOT! I will even "punish" them when they won't give me a kiss by tickling them. Maddie also has a tickle baby where you push the belly and she giggles. So getting back to today... I was feeding Bentley when I hear "tickle, tickle, tickle". Well actually it sounded more like "giggle, giggle, giggle". I look up and Zack was tickling Aaden. Aaden would just giggle so hard like I was tickling him. Zack did it over and over again. It was the cutest thing ever! Priceless!!

Poor Trapper

Our poor Trapper... I can honestly say that he is GREAT with the kids. Now that they are mobile all they do is run around and chase Trapper. They jump on him and try to ride him like a horse. They grab his tail and even try to bite him (yea I've seen Zack on several occasions bite him). Trapper can be asleep on the couch minding his own business and then out of nowhere a kid bounces on him. All of this torture and Trapper just takes it. First he might try to run, but the kids chase him. Then he gives the kids a warning growl, which they think is funny. Then Trapper gives us the look in the picture...the "please get these kids away from me" look. He has been such a great dog to the kids.
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Watching Elmo

Elmo is quickly becoming a very important character in our lives. He is almost as important as Gabba Gabba. Today all three toddlers sat down to watch Elmo and even little Bentley got in on the "watching".
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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Starting Fresh

Last year I ran two 5ks. This year my New Year's Resolution was to run in a few more. Due to the move and colder weather I had stopped completely running (I didn't want to take the kids out since they were sick enough as it was). So now I have to start the couch potato-to-5k training all over again. Since I am in Asheboro for the week, Stacy is running with me. We started last night and we ran tonight. Only 8 and 1/3 weeks left. Wish me luck to stay motivated once I go back home.
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Monday, March 28, 2011

Graham Cracker Weekend

This past weekend we had a special visit from our friends in Georgia, The Grahams. Chris, Mandy, and Camryn came up on Friday evening. We played and had a great time! On Saturday Mike and Chris went out to NASCAR places (i.e. museums, shops, etc.), while the kids), Mandy and I went to Concord Mills Mall. (Side not...Shopping with kids = not really shopping.) We had a nice lunch and then Camryn and Mandy took a ride on the carousel. If you look closely you can see them in the picture below.

Saturday evening we grilled out steaks for the adults and burgers for the kids. Then it was time to have some fun!

The kids all climbed into our containers that had all the toys, so funny!

Eventually Sunday came and we had to say goodbye to the Grahams. We had so much fun and we are so happy they came up for a visit. I think my favorite thing was when you ask Camryn her full name she will tell you "Camryn Grace Graham Cracker". So cute! Thank you for coming up! Next time it is us heading down to GA!

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Allergy vs. Asthma

Today was Zack's big allergy appointment. It was a VERY long appointment. After 3 1/2 hours we have discovered that Zack has asthma. We first went into a room and met with a doctor. We went over a million questions. After all the questions the doc said "Well, we can do the testing to make certain, but he has asthma." Zack had two of the four factors: 1) he has had more than 3 attacks in a 12 month span. 2) he has family history of asthma (daddy). So we went ahead with the testing and sure enough he tested negative for all the allergies we tested him for. What they do is take off the shirt and first give him a "control" bite. Like a mosquito bite to make sure he has a flare up. Then they draw numbers down his back with a pen... 1-12 and pricked him with each allergy. If there were bumps then he would have been positive for that particular allergy. But like the doctor had said, he tested negative for each one.

The doctor came back in and talked a little longer. He said a few years ago they would have called what Zack has "Reactive Airway Disease". Which means that his lungs have a hard time circulating air when he has colds, runny nose, ear infections, etc. Now they just group RAD with asthma because it can be just as dangerous. They didn't officially do an asthma test because he is too young. An asthma test consists of blowing in a tube for several minutes, which is why they usually wait until they are 6 or 7 before doing the official test. Due to Zack's past though he officially declared that Zack has asthma. He gave me some meds if he starts a runny nose or cold to help clear out his passage ways to ward off attacks. I also need to continue daily treatments. It is scary, but now we officially know what he has in cases of emergencies. We won't have a blank stare when someone asks us if he has allergies or asthma.

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Love some Tennis

Tonight Mike and I had a chance to go play some tennis. We had the kids strapped into their stroller which meant they didn't like sitting their too long without getting upset. So after a VERY quick game, we let them get out and run around. Maddie enjoyed being our little ball girl. While Zack looked like he was playing lacrosse rather than tennis. He kept scooting the ball around instead of hitting it. I think I few more outings and we will have them pros really soon!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring is here!

Our Saturday turned out to be a busy day for us. We first went and got the boys (Mike and Zack) a hair cut. Then mommy shopped a little then we met Mamaw for lunch at Chick-fil-a. The kids played in the restaurant's play area. The loved it!!

"What did I do?"

Then after lunch we went back to the house so we could get the kids down for a nap. Meanwhile mommy worked on some projects for an upcoming baby shower while daddy and Mamaw cleaned out the garage. Why did I not get a before and after photo? It was an amazing transformation. You couldn't walk out there before and now there is a huge space. Enough for two cars! AMAZING!! After the kids naps they woke up and discovered a new toy. They now have a cute sandbox. At first they were hesitant, but then they couldn't stop playing with it. Eventually picking up sand in their shovels/buckets and throwing it in the air. There are proofs in the pictures below.

After dinner the kids were extremely hyper and ended up crawling into a clothes basket while mom and I were doing shower things. They are just so silly!!

All in all it was a beautiful day! The kids also were able to get out their motorized cars they received for Christmas and ride them. I didn't get pictures because at the time our grass was too tall for them to push a button and go. I had to push them around instead. Daddy actually mowed the grass today. Hopefully tomorrow in the 70+ weather we can go outside and try again. We LOVE spring!!

Friday, March 18, 2011

NCAA in Charlotte

Mike and I were extremely fortunate to get wonderful tickets to the first round of the NCAA tournament. We are currently watching the Heels warm up. We have wonderful seats (and cheap) thanks to our friends in the Lake Norman Carolina Club. We also have to say thank you to Brandy and mom for tag team baby sitting. Thank you so much and go Heels!
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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sunday's Park Visit

After the kiddos' naps on Sunday we took them to a nearby park. They loved it! It was a really nice park. We are looking forward to more beautiful weather so we can get out more.

Do have a funny story about Zack. He likes older women! There was a 6 or 7 year old girl that he just kept flirting with. He would wave to her and follow her around non-stop! So funny!

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Grampy & Grandma visit

Friday afternoon we had a visit from Grampy and Grandma. They actually babysat for us last night so Mike and I could get out of the house together. The kids have been playing hard with them and we all enjoyed their visit. Thank you so much, we love you!
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Go Tarheels!

Maddie sorta rooting on the Heels.

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Blowing Bubbles

Today in this pretty weather, we ventured outside to play. We brought out the bubbles. Maddie has learned how to blow on her own and Zack is trying. He actually spits instead of funny!
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Gastro Visit

Maddie had her first visit to the Pediatric Gastrointestinal doctor yesterday. The office is located in Charlotte and we had a 9:30 appointment, which meant we had to leave the house by 7:30 due to rush hour traffic. The normally 30 minute drive took us 1 1/2 hrs. How do people do that daily?

Maddie weighed in at 20 pounds, which is 3 more pounds from 4 weeks ago. We talked to Dr. Rhue about her not eating. She thinks Maddie has acid reflux and that is why she doesn't like to eat. So we are going to give meds a try for a few weeks and see if that works. If not I will be meeting with a nutritionalist about what foods to feed her. We are hoping the meds to be an easy fix.
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Where was my camera?

So today there was not one, but two events that happened and unfortunately I did not have my camera.

The first was a Zack story. Unfortunately, my phone was upstairs. We watched an episode of Ellen this morning. If you have never seen her show she does a quick monologue before dancing with the audience. Today Zack got up and started dancing along with the TV. Eventually he started turning around in circles. He turned and turned and turned until...he fell. It was so funny. He then tried to get up and fell again. (He was fine just dizzy). He continued to try and get up four or five times and each time he fell quickly. I couldn't help but laugh. It was so cute!

Our Maddie story happened tonight when we were getting the kids ready for bed. When the kids were first born they received a UNC book. While I was giving Zack his breathing treatment, Mike was reading the book with Maddie. All on her own she raised her arm, balled her hand into a fist and yelled "go Tarheels!". It was so cute. Again, my phone wasn't around. We got her to do it again so we knew it wasn't a fluke. Again, so cute!
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Monday, March 7, 2011

Zack Update

Friday was crazy. Well that may be an understatement. I got to the doctor's office at 11:30 for our 11:40 apt. I went into a room at 11:35. By 12:30 still no I dragged the kids out and went up to a nurse to ask her if they forgot about us. She said no and that it was just busy and we were next. At 12:45 I put their jackets on and decided to wait 5 more minutes. When that time was up finally the doctor came in. She checked his breathing and it was fine. I told her about his attack the day before. She said just keep giving him treatments. Then she checked his ears...she said there wasn't an infection at all. This is what upset me the most. An ear infection does not clear up in a day. So at this point one of the two doctors that I had seen in as many days was wrong. (zack clawed at his ears Friday and Saturday. So I think he did have an infection.)

I then asked if we can go ahead and finally get Zack tested. She agreed we should. I told her that I called BCBS, our insurance, the day before and they told me they covered 100% testing. She stepped out and came back in and told me that they will only pay for one test, but Zack needs two. I would have to pay for the second test out of pocket which would be $600 for one test. So she suggested we see a specialist and from there I wouldn't have to pay for the tests. I left there pretty upset with the whole process. I was seconds from crying due to being so angry, but hopefully we can finally get this stuff done and figure out what is wrong.

Zack's appointment is scheduled for March 22nd, which was the first available. I'll update more when I can.
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Go Heels!

Well the Heels pulled it off Saturday night. They are the ACC Regular Season Champs! Mike and I had a lot of fun with the Lake Norman Carolina Club. At half time they raffled off a really nice men's UNC polo shirt. I ended up having the lucky ticket. They were really nice and we hope to join them in the future for more viewing parties!
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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Gearing up for the game.

In just a few minutes Mike and I are heading across town to watch the UNC vs. Dook game with the alumni club here. We are so excited. We were told to bring a snack to share. I had planned to make these beautiful Tarheel sugar cookies, but that didn't turn out so pretty. So I went to the store and last minute decided to make some chocolates. Mom gave me the idea. They turned out great! Go Heels!
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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rough day

As if it wasn't already hectic having a two year old, two one and a half year olds, and a two month old...poor Zachary had an episode today. Actually he is still not breathing well. I will be waking up every few hours to give him more treatments. I rushed him to Urgent Care today. At first the doctor on call wanted to put him in an ambulance and rush him to the hospital. I talked him out of it. I didn't think he was that bad (I have seen him a lot worse). Poor thing had a double ear infection. He received a steroid shot and two dosages of breathing treatments.

He prescribed some meds for his ears, an oral steroid for his lungs, and Claritin for allergies (he thinks it is allergies due to his eyes being extremely puffy.

Once I got home I called our normal doc and scheduled an appointment tomorrow. I also talked to BCBS and they told me they cover testing so tomorrow I will be demanding them to schedule the allergy/asthma tests.
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