Thursday, June 2, 2011

Discovery Kids Place

Today we had a special visit from Aunt Amy and cousins Callie and Cayden. We decided to load them up and take them to try out the Discovery Place Kids. It is designed for kids who are under age 5. It was so neat!! The kids loved it! They had so much going on that i couldn't possibly try to talk about everything. Some of the highlights were...there was a firetruck, an ambulance, tractor, a grocery store that they could shop and check out at the register (everything kid size), a pizza restaurant (the kids were the chefs, waiters, etc.), submarine, boat, race car, and even a bank. They had such a great time. We forgot our cameras, so the best I have is pictures with my camera phone, which means they aren't the greatest. I will try and explain what is going on in each picture.

The first couple of pictures are in a kiddie play area which is gated and all soft in case a newly walking toddler falls.

The next two pictures were Maddie and Zack in a canoe.

They had a water table set up where kids could play in the water. For smaller kids they had a high chair type set up so that way they could also play in the water.

Zack on the Firetruck

Then the kids jumped in the ambulance. Maddie and Callie were the medics while Zack was the driver.

The next two pictures were at the bank. Callie and Zack are in a car in the drive through teller line, while Maddie is inside as the teller. They even had the vacuum chute (tube that you stick the money in when you are outside).

Maddie pressing the button to send the tube back to Zack.

I turned around and Zack climbed up on the tractor.

The next three pictures are "underwater" in a submarine. The first two are of Zack playing with all the switches while the last is Callie looking in from the outside.

Aunt Amy milking a cow.

The next set of pictures is of the kids in the Pizza restaurant. This is where we spent most of our time. The loved it!! They cooked, played waiter, cleaned, and ran the register.

Zack jumped into a race car.

Unfortunately I didn't get pictures of the grocery store. Callie and Maddie really liked that station as well. The Nowells are definitely going back. MOPS has a play date there later I think in July. Thank you so much Aunt Amy for taking us!! We had such a blast!!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Callie said she wants to go back there so as long as you don't mind repeating, that may be a definite yes for our next trip!
