Today there was a crazy accident that happened to me, also known to my friends at Headway as an "April Moment". Somehow these crazy things only seem to happen to me, or at least I'm the only one that will admit to them.
This morning was a very productive morning. I was able to fix breakfast, wash dishes, wash laundry, and start cleaning the nursery. On my to do list was also to get groceries. I'm one of those that despise going to Wal-Mart unless I have to, but I had to get weed-be-gone and some scrapbook things, and if there was any other place in Roanoke Rapids I would go there instead, (i.e. Target), but we only have the one place. So I headed out to Wal-Mart. It was miserably packed since most people had Good Friday off, but I wasn't having that bad of an experience. I finally made it through and went to check out. My line wasn't too long, I even had a very nice cashier, but THEN it happened. There was a lady behind me that was placing her items on the little conveyor belt thing. She had at least 12 2 liter bottles of Cheerwine (all were standing upright). I just took out my credit card to pay for my groceries when the cashier started the belt to move the lady's items closer to her. Then in what seemed like slow motion, the lady's Cheerwines all started moving toward the cashier and they started to hit each other and rock.
One started to fall, then two started to fall, and then three started to fall. They all fell and hit the floor and started to spew. I was then literally showered in Cheerwine. The one thing that irked me the most is that the lady who was responsible for placing all those soda's up on the conveyor belt upright didn't bother to apologize. Her shoes got wet and she started yelling at the cashier as if it was her fault. While they were calling for someone to come clean it up, I paid as fast as I could and tried to leave. So here I am in Capri pants, tank top, and sandals. My clothes and feet are soaked in Cheerwine, and trying to walk in sticky wet shoes is not easy. I got to my car still steaming and I called mom and just started laughing about the whole situation. Yes for those that I have worked with, this was truly an "April Moment".

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