So today has been a VERY interesting day. Zack and Maddie have entered into the world. They are absolutely wonderful! Michael and I feel so bless to have two beautiful healthy babies. Madelin Marie came at 2:04 am this morning weighing 5 lbs. 11 oz. and 18 inch long. Just 17 minutes later at 2:21 am Zachary Ryan made into the world weighing 5 lbs. 6 oz. and 18 1/2 inch. long.
Here is my birth story... WARNING, if you have a weak stomach you probably don't want to read this part...
At 11:45pm on Monday night I went to use the restroom. I had just got done wiping when I had a gush of water come out of me. At first I wasn't sure if this was my water breaking or if I just had to pee more. So I decided to wake up Michael and tell him that I thought my water had broke. Just a few seconds later...water started dripping down my leg. So that is when we knew this was it. Michael got up and got dressed while I got dressed real fast. He then packed the bags in the car and we headed out around 12:15 am. I started getting contractions right away and they grew more intense. Our drive was a little over an hour, but Michael made it to Tarboro in 45minutes. We arrived at the hospital at 1:05 am. We first had to check in at the ER, then we headed up to Labor and Delivery. They immediately asked me to put on a robe and give them a urine sample. I was in so much pain that I couldn't do all of this. I eventually got the robe on and headed straight for the bed so they could hook me up to the monitors and get everything started. Next came trying to get my IV in. After the 3rd try they finally got it in. Not long after that I was trying to sit up due to the pain of one of my contractions and I ended up pulling the IV out. My contractions were now 2 minutes apart and they finally checked me, to my surprise I was already dilated to a 10. It was too late for the drugs and WAY too late for my section. I then had to wait for the doctor to get there. They didn't think I was going to go that fast or they would have called him earlier. So 20 minutes later he was finally there. It wasn't a few seconds later and Maddie arrived. Zack was in transverse position (sideways) so they had an ultrasound machine to track him. They ended up breaking my water and guiding him down, but first I had to push him out breech. So I had both my babies all natural. Unfortunately this is not where the story ends. Maddie's placenta came right out, but Zack's was still stuck. They gave me Pitocin to try and see if they could get it to come out on it's own. These contractions were worse than the real birth. Finally 3 1/2 hours later the doctor came back to check on me. There were still no changes, so for my safety they decided to take me to the OR and conducting a manual afterbirth pull. So they wheeled me down to the OR and gave me some drugs to put me under and proceeded to try and remove Zack's placenta manually. After that things were great. I was able to spend time with family that came up in the middle of the night. I turned out okay and the babies are in great health. Thank you everyone who sent prayers our way.
Congratulations!! Beautiful babies! Hope everything continues to go well during the hospital stay! :-) Jessica Dotson
Now you can tell them how you did everything natural all for them and how they better do what you say the rest of their lives!!! I'm so glad everything went well, and boy what a story to tell down the road. I'm just glad you guys made it to the hospital. Love to all four of you and we can't wait to see those beautiful babies.
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