So this past weekend the twins got to take their first trip t
o Asheboro. We all left Friday night and arrived to Mamaw and Great Aunt Sharon (Papaw was on his way home from a Men's church retreat).
Saturday Mamaw and Papaw did the
morning feeding. Then they had SEVERAL guests: Auntie Crystal, Great Aunt Sharon, Great Aunt Susan, Cousins Samantha, Kaylee and Lizzie, Grandma Callicutt, Great Grandma Meiers, Uncle Dean, David, Wyleen, and of course mom and dad where there. They just did so wonderful.
Sunday was their first trip to High Pine
Wesleyan (which is our home church away from home). Everyone was very excited to see them there. After church we had a special dinner at Great Grandpa Graves' house. Great Aunts Sharon, Barbara and Sandra all came with Uncle Jerry. Also cousins Stephanie, George, Joseph, Victoria, Elizabeth, and Brandon were there. It was SO wonderful showing the twins off. 
Monday was their two month check up and first round of immunizations. The twins are growing SO much. Zack now weighs in at 9lbs 7oz and Maddie is at 9lbs 14oz. They took their shots well (as well as to be expected) and won't have to go back until 4 months.
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