Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

I found two mice in the house today. I think they are so cute I might just keep them!!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Massacre at the Oscars Party Part 2

Erica as Courtney Love - Death by Overdose

Chris as Kurt Cobain

Courtney and Kurt

Brandi as Sigourney Weaver - Death by Alien bursting from her stomach

Graham as Johnny Depp - Death by Vampire Bite

Sigourney & Johnny

Tracy as a Pirate

Jon & Tracy - Pirates

Crystal as Dolly Parton - Death by Boob Explosion

Mike as "Macho Man" Randy Savage

Dennis as John Dillinger

Macho Man & Mr. Dillinger

Macho Man & Angelina Jolie - Death by J. Aniston

Steve as Steve Jobs

Keith Richards & Steve Jobs

Mitzie as Keith Richards
The 2nd part of our Halloween soiree was all our guests and their costumes.  We asked everyone to come dressed as either a deceased celebrity OR a current living celebrity with a funny twisted death.  Yes it sounds morbid, but it turned out so funny!  We had a voting booth set up and asked everyone to vote on Best Dressed Male & Female, Best Impressionist Male & Female, and Most Creative Death.  Halfway through the night we had an awards ceremony and announced the winners like the actual Oscars.  The winners got up and gave acceptance speeches while the presenters did a funny little talk.  The winners of the night were as follows: Best Dressed Male went to Johnny Depp, Best Dressed Female went to Angelina Jolie, Best Impressionist Male went to Macho Man Randy Savage, Best Impressionist Female went to Dolly Parton, and the Most Creative Death was Dolly Parton death by boob explosion.  Each winner received a Skeleton Trophy (seen in Part 1).  The entire night was a hoot!!

Massacre at the Oscars Party Part 1

About two months ago I received a message from my best friend Crystal that we should throw a Halloween Party.  We talked about it in length and decided to go with a themed party.  We came up with Massacre at the Oscars.  This is Part 1 of the party.  Here are all the decorations and food.  Part 2 is all the guests and their costumes.  I'm still having some technical difficulties with Blogger and their picture downloading status, so I apologize for some of the broken pictures.

I have to say a HUGE thank you to Crystal for all her help!!  Thank you soooooo much!!

Red Carpet entry for our guests. 

Witch's Brew aka punch

Blood rimmed glasses aka Red colored Karo Syrup

Cake Pops as Eye Balls

Cake Pops as Mummies

Nutter Butter Ghosts

Gizzards in Blood were cocktail wieners

Cheese Dip

Caramel Apples

Voting Booth

Skeleton Awards

Skeletons lined our stairs

Chicken Wings as Bat Wings

Photo Booth