Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lazy 5 MOPS Field Trip

Today we took a field trip with the MOPS group to Lazy 5 Ranch.  It is here in Mooresville and I have been wanting to take the kids, but just haven't for some odd reason or another.  There are TONS of animals that are there and you can take a wagon ride or drive through and feed the animals.  I don't think I would want to drive through with my car, but I do know people do.  The kids LOVED feeding the animals.  They really liked the cow.  It kissed Zack.  Also, it was really chilly this morning so you see the kids in their new winter hats.  By the end of the day it warmed up, but they loved their hats so much they didn't want to take them off.  
I need to add that I didn't get a lot of good pictures due to me holding two kids, a bucket of feed and trying to not have the animals take our buckets.

Oh also, the pictures are a little out of order.  Blogger had a hard time downloading the pictures.

Prairie Dog

Zack "aka: Buzz" in front of the Prairie Dog

Maddie "aka: Minnie Mouse"

Brand new baby Giraffe

A look from where we were sitting

Llama that came up to us

Water Buffalo

Water Buffalo



Cow that kissed Zack




Kangaroo coming towards us

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The kids jumping like they are the kangaroos

Zack with a baby goat

The cow that kissed Zack

1 comment:

Maddycakes Muse said...

How adorable! It's about time I became a follower. You have been a loyal blog friend ~ I always appreciate your comments.

Maddycakes Muse