Saturday, December 24, 2011

Handmade kid gifts


I don't know why this year I wanted to do soooooo much, but I did.  We get together with my dad's side (The McCaskill's) of the family every Christmas Eve.  There are just a few of us kids and now we have a few grandkids.  There are 7 total grandkids (soon to be 8), but 4 of those are my two and my nephews, so we get all the grandkids a little something.  This year after looking at my favorite website (Pinterest) I decided to hand make these three girls their gifts.  And just what did I come up with? (Sorry these pictures are TERRIBLE!!  If I had realized how bad they were I would have taken more, but I already wrapped them.)

Not sure you can see from these pics, but these are aprons.  I made all the little girls aprons.  These were super easy and VERY cost efficient!  The fabric was sold at Walmart for just $0.97.  I used 1 1/2 pieces of fabric for each.  The ribbon was only $1.98 and I got three out of one roll.  Then the fillers are from the dollar store.  So each apron was only $4.12.  I couldn't find anything for that cheap.  I also made one for Maddie because I didn't want her to feel left out.  So once I made the girls gifts, I thought....I need to make something for the boys.  So I decided that I would make...

Personalized Super Man capes.  I know it is hard to tell with these pics (the fabric is also wrinkled really bad).  I promise to take pictures of the kids wearing these gifts to show them off better. 

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