Monday, April 9, 2012

Our Bug Lesson

Today we were outside enjoying this beautiful weather, when I looked down and saw a cute bug.  Here are the kids inspecting:
So just what was this bug?!?!?!

Why a caterpillar of course.  He was nice enough to let us hold him.  Zack loved it!!  In fact I think he held him several times.  Once it crawled all the way up his arm.  Maddie held him, but only for a split second.  I tried to get her to hold him again so I could get a picture, but she wasn't having it.

We then put Mr. Caterpillar back.  We learned that he needed to eats lots of grass so he could eventually turn into a butterfly.  Here we are watching Mr. Caterpillar walk off so he could find more food and turn into a butterfly.

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