Monday, May 14, 2012

My Mother's Day

Yesterday we woke up early to get to early service at church.  Before when we were getting ready, daddy called for us to hurry to the window downstairs.
What did we see?

We saw a bunny rabbit on our front stoop.  He was eating our fallen azaleas.  We have seen him a lot lately and hope he stays away from mommy's garden. 
After our bunny watching mommy got her present.  (I actually received a week ago, b/c i picked it out)
I got a point and shoot camera.  I have been wanting one for some time now.  I L-O-V-E my Nikon, but when we go to like concerts and other places it is too big and bulky to carry.  So I got this Panasonic point and shoot camera.  Love it!!  We then were off to church and during the first service Mike and I finally joined the church officially.  It was funny, because a lot of people said they thought we were already members since we have been involved so much.  After church Mike and the kids treated me to lunch at Chili's.  It was a nice relaxing Mother's Day! 

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