Sincerely sorry for the delay! Last week was a bad sickness week, but I did want to write about our weekend in Asheboro and the craziness of registering for baby (or in my case babies).
March 13-15 we took off to my mom and dad's for the weekend. It was packed full. Stacy, Kevin and Aaden were there for the week so when we got there around 10pm on Friday they were just putting him to bed, and me being prego I did the same after some hugs and kisses from the family. On Saturday we decided to head to a new store that mom had scoped out in Charlotte, which was Ikea.

So mom, Stacy, Aaden, Crystal and I all took off on Saturday morning at 9am to head out for Ikea, Babies R Us, and then Concord Mills Mall. Mom kept trying to warn us on how HUGE Ikea was, but until you are there you just can't believe it!! Mom went in to grandma mode and got several cute items for Maddie and Zach, plus Aaden. One in particular I thought was adorable was this tableware set. It had a bowl, cup, spoon and an adorable bib that looked like a monster. I tried to find a good pic online, mom got me a pink one for Maddie and a blue one for Zach and Aaden received a red one. Stacy found a great deal on a highchair for only $25. When we were done at Ikea mom went and got the car to load everything in the trunk. I wish I had a picture of how packed everything was. While we were shopping I think we forgot that we had Aaden with us, which meant we had his stroller in the trunk which can take up a lot of room, so we had to stack things very strategically to get it all in! After Ikea we took on the task of registering at Babies-R-Us. Trying to register for things when you are a first time parent is very overwhelming. When you are expecting twins it is even MORE overwhelming! They give you this HUGE list of things that you should register for, but you don't even know what it is to begin with and you don't know what brand or shapes or sizes and you just want to throw your hands up and cry "Mommy"! So thank goodness my mom and Sister were there to tell me what they had/have and what brands were the best. Every time I looked at something I would say "mom what do you think?" or "Stacy do you have this?". By the time I made to the other side of the store I was so mentally exhausted and tired of choosing that Crystal and I ended up sitting on the floor in defeat. So after 2 1/2 hours of being at Babies-R-Us (yes it was that long), I turned in my scan gun and we headed to the mall to refuel and shop a little more. I forgot to mention the weather during our shopping extravaganza. It was pouring down rain the entire day. So what does everyone do when it is raining? They go shopping! So when we got to the mall there were hardly no parking spots. Mom dropped us off at a store and took on the task of trying to park. (I think she had to follow/stock some people that were leaving so she could steal their spot.) The first thing we did when we all got in was hit the food court. This place was so packed!! Our family went during Christmas, but I think this particular Saturday was more crowded than at Christmas. So we finally ate and we ended up splitting up so we could get our locations done with faster, because by then we were all tired! Crystal and I headed to the book store fast so I could get a book on Twins and then headed to The Motherhood to cash in a gift card. Mom and Stacy headed to Carters to buy a few outfits for Aaden. (side note: Aaden has really started to fill out. He is also longer than most 2/3 month old so most of his clothes were too short.) We all met up about an hour later so we could head home. I have to give little Aaden his props! Poor thing had to go shopping with a bunch of chicks all day and most of the time he stayed in his car seat/carrier. He only had maybe two fits. He was quite the trooper. I mean think about it, if it was an older male say anywhere from 12-90 he would have thrown a lot more than just two fits.
We went to church on Sunday and Mike and I felt truly blessed because when they were going over their prayer list our names were announced. I mean we aren't even on the prayer list where we are members, so we felt truly loved and now that we are expecting twins I think we could use all the prayers we can get! After church we went out to eat at Lonestar, where I like an idiot threw my purse across the booth and everything spilled out in between the seat and the wall. So whenever the family behind us left we went into "operation retrieve April's cell phone and whatever else she dropped down there". Now that I have become pregnant I'm definitely having more "April moments". After dinner we headed back to the house to hang out until we had to leave. Us girls attempted to do hand/foot prints for Aaden's baby book. It literally took all three of us to paint his hand, hold the hand flat, while making sure it was pressed against the page, but I think it turned out pretty good! After that mom and Stacy surprised me with baby stuff that they had bought the day before. I tried to tell them "you didn't have to do that", or "why don't you just wait and give it to us at the shower", but secretly I was excited b/c this was our first baby gifts since finding out about boy/girl twins. Even Crystal bought clothes for them too! They got a slew outfits and my favorites were the bibs that mom found. She said she had to buy them b/c they mention something about grandma! Maddie's sayings are "I'm all that", "Girls are just better!", "Cute 24/7", and of course the cutest "Don't make me call grandma". Zach's bibs say "Who needs sleep?" (which I pray is just a joke), the ever so clever "Like father, like son", "Trouble is my middle name", and the very true "Grandma never says No!"
Unfortunately the weekend had to draw to a close and we had to head out. I hate living so far away. Thank you mom, dad, and Stacy for a WONDERFUL weekend. We love and miss you all dearly!!
1 comment:
ikea is AWESOME!!!
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