If you will go back to my post on Feb. 13th you will see our first ultrasound and what appears to be two sacks. Well here is the story... Our sonographer could not find a heart pole for the second baby, so she suggested we come back in a week or two to make sure that this one does not develop. Our doctor immediately dismissed the idea and said that this is very common and we are only pregnant with one. He said that I will absorb the other or I might even have what is labeled as a partial miscarriage, but to try not and worry the other embryo is completely fine. Then fast forward 6 more weeks. At our 12 week appointment we used a doppler and heard the heartbeat...ONE heartbeat. Then fast forward to our 16 week appointment, aka yesterday. We walk into the ultrasound room, the sonographer puts the warm goop on me and begins the ultrasound. She then asks, "Didn't we see a possible two sacks?" Mike and I said "yes, but no heart pole in the 2nd". She then nonchalantly says "yea, you're having twins." Mike and I in unison were like "Oh my goodness, you're kidding." So we were in COMPLETE shock!!
We then proceeded with the ultrasound. We started with Baby A. The sonographer told us to begin with that she was going to do all the body before she determines the sex, so we took a bunch of pics and then finally we took the last one... She had a great picture of the butt and two legs and three white lines which indicates a GIRL! I was thrilled. I have always wanted a girl so badly. Mike I could tell was happy, but a little disappointed. We both thought immediately that since one is a girl the other was too...
Then was Baby B. The first shot was the head. The next shot was the legs and you could see a little something sticking out, so she immediately said that she wasn't going to wait to call this one. This one was definitely a BOY! Mike and I both started crying. We have always talked about how we wanted at least one of each, and now we have one of each in one shot. We were just floored. Mike was even extra thrilled that he is getting his son.
So then we had to see the doctor, which he immediately ate his words and was just as surprised as we were. We all laughed for a while, but then had the serious talk. Twins means I am now a high risk pregnancy. I have a high risk of preterm labor for one. He said the average birth is at 37 weeks which is just 3 weeks early. He said that we want to get at least 35 weeks, so my goal is 38. My birth plan has now changed drastically as well. Our doctor immediately began pushing the idea of a C-section due to the possible complications of giving birth to twins. I was a little disappointed with this seeing that I have always dreamed of them putting the baby on my belly and I was the first official one to hold it, now this will not be the case. Later Mike made me realize that this wasn't a big deal and we will have PLENTY of other times that we will be holding them. The other risks are higher in preclempsia, diabetes, and other pregnancy complications. I will likely have double the back pain, double the size and double pretty much everything (which I am completely fine with). I now know why I am having such a hard time with morning sickness and already pretty big in the belly.
We then left and started calling moms, dads and sisters. During dinner we spent the entire time on the phone instead of eating. Talking and texting to friends. Then we headed to Target to do a very quick start on registering. We got our gun, went to the infant section and then reality started to set in that we are going to have to register for twin things... Double the car seats, double the cribs, have a double stroller, and pretty much double of everything. WOW is all we kept saying. The trip home was filled with oh my goodness's. We are still very excited even with the possible complications. Thank you again for all your prayers, love and support. We ask that you still continue to pray for us... We might even need double!!
Below are the two best pics from our ultrasound yesterday. Both are from the rear. So you can see the butt bone on the right and the legs on the left. With baby A you see the three white lines and with baby B you see what Mike calls the "third leg" directly below the word Boy. Enjoy!!

Mike & April,
We are so happy for both of you! Mom always told me that "twins" skips generations...so she would remind me every time I got pregnant that it was our generation that would have the twins and maybe it would be me. My response was always "I have plenty of girl cousins." We are so happy for you and excited that "Tag"..."You're it!!!" Really, it is going to be great. How exciting! If you are getting up in the middle of the night for bathroom visits...count it as preparation for the 2-3 times per night feedings to come! I am so excited for you! Even when we cannot see or understand what is going on, God knows exactly the miracles and blessings He will bestow upon us if we are patient and trust Him. What a blessing! Make sure you stay off your feet as much as possible and drink plenty of water! George and I both know all about the "high risk pregnancy" and "preterm babies", but we also know that our God is bigger than any potential complication that may be lurking. We love you both and will be praying for you. Congratulations!!!
Twins!!! Yay!!! Aunite Amy is going to spoil them so much! I can't wait and neither can their cousin Callie Ann. We are super excited for you. Enjoy all the sleep you can get right now because restful nights and late mornings are a memory of the past once those two arrive. This is going to be so much fun, especially watching Michael with two at one time :-)
PS- Since you have two can one be a Tiger :-) Orange and Purple would go great with your Nursery!
i love you guys so much! you guys will make wonderful parents. john and lacey are great names for babies:) i want to see a belly shot and gatlinburg next year...wow is all i can say, and a c-section is not all that bad and we can have something to talk about with c-sections:) again i love yall and can not wait to hear about the future:)
Mike & April,
When your mom came over to the shop, and told us of the good, great, wonderful news, all I could do was scream of joy and laughter. As my Mike stated the next day, I still haven't came back down to earth. That cloud nine was still floating. I even told my kids at school about the good news and they wanted to celebrate. Ha!
You two will make wonderful parents will lots of love and patience. Now about that C-Section, tell that doctor your grandmother had twins and didn't know she was going to have them until 20 minutes later when another little one popped out! She didn't have a C. God knows what is best and maybe you won't have to go through that C. I am so happy that our side of the family got to have the next generation of twins. You do realize this is the 5th straight generation of twins on the Graves side, right?
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