Maddie...oh my Maddie. Maddie is very strong willed. She is very particular about how she wants things and when she wants them. When it is time to be fed (food) she only allows either mommy or daddy to feed her. Mamaw, Aunt Sharon, Sarah, and even Erica have all tried to feed her once, but she just spat it back out at them. Maddie has learned that she can roll anywhere! And she will!! She LOVES to jump. If you are holding her, she will make you bounce her. She also is very curious and loves to try anything she see's mommy doing. (Note to self, make sure you don't do anything you don't want Maddie doing). She likes drinking out of my glass. I'm not even sure she is drinking or just playing in my water, but she has to drink from my cup if she is near me and sees me drinking. She also loves to read. If she is extremely upset, I have found that showing her a book and reading it to her will calm her down.
Zack: Zack is the happiest and calmest baby! If you make eye contact with him (even strangers) he will immediately light up and giggle. He only cries if he is hungry, but he gives me a good 5 minutes of "warning" grunts before he starts to cry. He is starting to bounce now. Before he would just stand in the bouncers, but now he is really getting into it. Michael and I believe he is going to be left-handed. He reaches for things with his left hand, he shakes toys first with his left hand and he feeds himself (mum-mums) using his left hand. Zack also is getting really good at sitting. Actually while I took all these pictures (believe me there were a lot) he sat up extremely well and didn't fall at all. Another thing Zack does is squeal. The way he squeals is what is funny. He breathes in really fast and it makes a high pitched squeal, and a lot of times he does it so much it will make him start coughing. This is his happy noise. Zack also likes to read. Every morning we sit them down and they watch Your Baby Can Read and as soon as he hears the music he just lights up. If he has book in his reach, he will start playing with it as well.
Absolutely the most beautiful set of twins anywhere!!!! Look at those eyes!!! Reading early....that's wonderful!!!! Love the pictures that you shared. So cute and what a good-looking family...Mom and Dad included!
Gram and Pop
I wouldn't worry too much about being left handed because Callie did the exact same thing until spoons came into the picture. However, he could get more money for being left handed when recruiting starts :-) They both are so adorable! I can't wait to see them again!
Fantastic pics- Michael started off left handed- (notice Michael still jerks back when he reaches for something left handed-lol) really enjoy the pics- hope to see you soon
Gramps and Granny
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