Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rough day

As if it wasn't already hectic having a two year old, two one and a half year olds, and a two month old...poor Zachary had an episode today. Actually he is still not breathing well. I will be waking up every few hours to give him more treatments. I rushed him to Urgent Care today. At first the doctor on call wanted to put him in an ambulance and rush him to the hospital. I talked him out of it. I didn't think he was that bad (I have seen him a lot worse). Poor thing had a double ear infection. He received a steroid shot and two dosages of breathing treatments.

He prescribed some meds for his ears, an oral steroid for his lungs, and Claritin for allergies (he thinks it is allergies due to his eyes being extremely puffy.

Once I got home I called our normal doc and scheduled an appointment tomorrow. I also talked to BCBS and they told me they cover testing so tomorrow I will be demanding them to schedule the allergy/asthma tests.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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