Friday, August 25, 2017

Back to Blogging

Well, I am happy to report that Nowell Family is still alive.  I know with the complete lack of posts for over 365 days that you probably thought we were gone, maybe even lost down some black hole.  But, low and behold, we are still kicking.  I completely apologize for the longer than expected sabbatical.  I was thinking today..."you know self, I miss my creative outlet.  I miss sharing my crazy life.  I miss sharing my crazy family."  Now, please do not expect me to be posting daily.  It will NOT happen.  However, I will be sharing some of our family adventures and some of my crafts, or at least I think I will be sharing crafts on this site.  I haven't decided if I should just keep everything in one location, or have multiple blogs.  Let's face it, I'm not the best at keeping up with things and having more than one blog is just exhausting.  So, more than likely, all things will be shared on this location.  For those that come to look for crafts, you will have to suffer through my family drama, adventures, and well, just pure craziness.  For my family that is logging in to read up on M&Z, sorry there will be some boring craft projects that you will have to see.

Now, since I have taken a 2-3 year hiatus...blogger has changed quite a bit.  The app used to be free and I used it to write most of my posts.  It was so much easier that way to share pictures.  I just discovered that it is a paid app now, so I have to decide do I spend the $2.99 to make my life easier?  HAHA!  Yes, I am cheap, but I think I will be ok purchasing it, but just give me a few days/weeks to learn how to use it.  Stay tuned on several things happening with the Nowells!!

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