Yes it is true! The twins are now 3/4 of a year old. The new milestones they meet each day is just amazing.

Maddie is just growing into her own personality. She is such an independent individual. She is so close to crawling. It is funny when she gets up on all fours she just rolls. I will try to help her, but she does not like help, nor want it. She loves to read, listen to music, and play with her "bubba" (which is her brother in adult language). When she is with just us four she talks loud, almost sings, but as soon as she is around new people she gets extremely shy. She doesn't really like males (daddy is hoping that continues until she is in her 40's, he says), but a female she is much more likely to go to and not cry. She is extremely curious. She likes to get into anything and everything. She will study things very carefully and try to repeat what she learns. She no longer sits still very long. She LOVES to move, constantly! I think as soon as she learns to walk, I'm in trouble!!

Zack has started pulling up on things. Sometimes needing help. When he knows he needs help and he knows you are behind him, he will lean his body against yours to push himself up. He also loves to read, bounce to music, and make his sister laugh. His laugh is the most infectious laugh ever. It is extremely boisterous. Today he would pull up on the couch with Maddie at the top and he would burst out into laughter which would make Maddie giggle. I am going to try and get it on video tomorrow. As Maddie is shy, Zack is extremely outgoing (just like daddy). He will go to anyone and loves it. He is more talkative with the more people around. He is very content playing in one area. I can sit him down with a few toys and he very rarely leaves that spot. He is very much like his daddy with his happy-go-lucky attitude.
I can honestly say that I have the best job ever!! During one of my showers I was given a picture from my cousin that says something like "For this child I have prayed". It has a mother holding her child. Even during the hardest and toughest days, when they are sick and cranky and I'm constantly cleaning up explosive diapers and vomit, I take time out to remind myself that "For this I have prayed"! God has truly blessed me!
1 comment:
I love hearing about how they are growing. Can't wait to see them again!
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