Friday, August 19, 2011

Day 1 at Holden

Sunday was our first full day at Holden Beach. After we all had breakfast we headed to the beach to enjoy the ocean. Like the last beach trip, Maddie was petrified of the ocean. She was terrified that I was going to throw her in the ocean. So after about 30 minutes of clinging to me she finally relaxed enough to build sand castles with mommy. While we were building sand castles Zack played in the ocean with daddy. He loved the water!! We went in for lunch and put the kids down for a nap. That night after dinner we played outside. We played with chalk on the driveway, the kids rode their bikes/tricycles, and us adults talked. It was a very nice start to our vacation.

This is Jenna and Zack being pushed by Zack. (This is how we got to the beach)

Maddie and Zack inspecting a sea turtle's nest.

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