Thursday, January 31, 2013

Mystery bumps

Ten days ago Zack started breaking out in a mysterious rash on his face. It will come and then go. It seems when he goes outside it is much worse! Today we went to see an allergist. It didn't go as well as I had hoped. The allergist refused to test for pollens, stating that there isn't pollen out right now, which i don't agree. He wasnt going to test any outdoor allergies, but I protested. So he then agreed to test for outdoor molds. He ended up testing positive for one of the 12 outdoor molds, but because Zack came down with a cold today he was convinced that the outbreaks were viral even though he's been having them well before the cold came. I was completely frustrated! The doctor told me I can give Zack Claritin if I want during the day and then Benadryl at night. If the rash lasts for 6 weeks then I was told to call back and schedule another appointment. I really don't believe this is viral, so I might be calling a new specialist!!!

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