Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Our First Day of Preschool

Today was our first day of preschool.  The school has a car drop off policy which means we drop them off and pick them up from the car.  The teachers come out to get them and put them in the car during pick up.  Zack didn't cry at all.  He did give me a look like "mom who is this and where is she taking me", but he was very brave.  Maddie on the other hand cried a LOT!  In fact as soon as the door opened on her side she started screaming.  However, I'm guessing as soon as she made it to her classroom she was fine.  I was told we would get a daily report card/progress report, but we didn't receive one today.  When I went to pick them up, the teacher who was putting them back in the car said they did great so I'm guessing no report is a good report.  The teacher said that they sang songs, played games and did crafts.  So first day = success!! 

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